SCWEA's Career Educator Compendium
Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) is a high school program designed to help students discover the rewards of working in the skilled trades through hands-on experience. It provides students with a head start on apprenticeship and a better understanding of the steps to journeyperson certification. SYA consists of 12 challenges that students complete during high school in order to prepare them for their apprenticeship following graduation.
Complete all three levels and register as an apprentice in a designated trade within five years to receive the following benefits:
Waiver of registration fee
No charge for Level 1 technical training tuition
300 hours of trade-time credit
Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA)

SYA Teacher Resources
Get involved in the Saskatchewan Youth Apprenticeship (SYA) Program by clicking here!

The SYA Challenges Booklet
Click here for the 12 Challenges student will complete to receive free apprenticeship registration, free first level of technical training tuition, and 300 hours of trade time credit!

What is Apprenticeship Brochure
Discover all of the skilled trade options in Saskatchewan, the years/trade time for each, and how many weeks of technical training each require.

Pre-Employment vs. Direct Entry
This visual shows the difference between pursuing pre-employment (SaskPoly or other training providers) vs being indentured.

The High School to Apprenticeship Handbook

MyATC Teacher Cheat Sheet
All apprentices and youth apprentices will register for MyATC. For all teacher SYA processes in MyATC, please print off our Teacher Cheat Sheet to have at your fingertips!