SCWEA's Career Educator Compendium

Related Supports
Information and links to support your various roles.

RDIEC creates career development opportunities for youth, educators and career practitioners. Acting as a conduit of career information between students and employers, the RDIEC work supports the goal of smooth transitions for all students.
SIEC offers hands-on career exploration and skill development programs designed and delivered for students aged K-12. Check out their Career Spotlights for great Sask based interviews and information.
SUTIL is a united team of post-secondary institutions who visit high schools across the province, engaging students to realize their potential and plan their path after graduation.

MyBlueprint is a tool which provides support for the career planning process that meets the learning styles, interests, and aspirations of all students.
School divisions have a temporary free subscribe to this current Canadian resource.
CERIC is a charitable organization that advances education and research in career counselling and career development, in order to increase the economic and social well-being of people in Canada.